Friday, 7 February 2014

Making time for me!!

This blog is about juggling being a mammy and being me and my attempt to find a balance between the two. I went out with some friends to a table quiz tonight, it was a fundraiser so I was going mainly because I felt I had to.

However I realised after having a great night out that I need to do this more often and that I don’t go out enough!! I do have some balance - but not near enough!- between being a mammy and doing something for me. I have things I like to do that are not about the kids or home life, they are about me but the actually going out and spending a good length of time away from the home and kids, well that I rarely do!!

I think some times as busy Mammys we take time out from our kids because we are at that stage that we have to because we are stressed or fed up or we go out because there is something on that we have to attend. How often do we actually take a decent amount of time out just because we can and not because we need to? We deserve to have time out and hours off from being a mammy but we don’t do it enough, I know I certainly don’t!

This time out is for me to just be me and not a mammy for a while. It is another step I can take to reconnect to me and to having more of a balance in my life. So from now on, juggling being a mammy and being me is going to involve more time out and having more of these nights out - without the kids!!

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