Saturday, 1 February 2014

Spring Time, Clean Time - No / yes?

Spring Time, Clean Time - No / yes?  

I am always amazed when the first of February arrives, I am relieved that January is gone but I am also thinking where did January go and how could it be February already?? Out of all the months I find January the longest and the quickest! Does anyone else find this?

With February comes the beginning of Spring and the end of Winter!! As I read all my house magazines there is a lot of emphasis on the concept of ‘The Spring Clean’. I find myself buying in to this concept and it has got me thinking about the current state of our home. Now it all looks so good in the magazines, so easy and if you follow the step by step instructions to a clean and organised home you’ll be soon enjoying the rewards!! Yea right if only it was that easy…

The reality for me is that I am in a permanent and continuous ‘spring clean’. I started it about 6 years ago when we moved in to our home and am still striving to get to the end of it. We live in chaos all the time, we have three energetic kids and a mammy who does a bit but would rather be spending time with the kids or having a cuppa with a friend than cleaning the house - hence the chaos! and you know to be honest, I would not have it any other way….

Now don’t get me wrong it is not like I spend my day with my feet up relaxing and hanging out with my kids. The reality is I don't stop going all day - sound familiar? There is always something we have to do and places we have to be, so as a result the home and the big clean suffers. I get the basics done most days but those time consuming chores just don’t get done on a regular or yearly basis sometimes. Now don't get me wrong I struggle with the mess at times especially when it gets bad - like right now!! - and it does get to me but I have to stop and remember that I do the best I can, I have to juggle three kids, a part time job and a busy life - I can’t do it all!!

However these magazines have inspired me and I can feel a ‘Monica Moment’ coming on. My husband refers to the times when I go at the house like a mad woman and clean it to within an inch of it’s life then collapse from exhaustion, my ‘Monica Moments’ (Monica from Friends, the compulsive obsessive cleaner). So between these magazines and the fact that my home is in a bad way I am thinking it is time to stock up on cleaning products and get going…..ah maybe I’ll have a cuppa first, have a think about it all and make a plan….  

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