Thursday, 13 February 2014

Night Owl Needs Sleep - Help!!

I am a total Night Owl, my Husband is a Morning Lark and my kids, all three of them are also Morning Larks!! I am alone and completely misunderstood by all my family…

Yes I am being dramatic and over the top but hey this is a real issue for me!! I am not a morning person I am very much late-to-bed, late-to-rise person. I am so slow to wake up and get going in the morning, in short the mornings just do not suit me especially the early ones!!

My kids and husband are your typical early-to-rise, early-to-bed types. 
~ They wake up in great form - I don’t! 
~ They are full of energy in the morning - I am so not! 
~ They can engage in full conversation without effort in the morning - I am mostly short syllables or a grunt in the mornings!

Can you see my problem?

Now all fellow Night Owl’s out there will understand my predicament - I am on a completely opposite body clock to my family. When they are full of energy and ready to go I am barely connected to reality, when they are winding down I am coming to and my energy levels are up!!

This situation is not supportive to having kids and more especially when your kids are all Morning Larks! My typical day comprises of getting up early and going through the motions of our morning routine and slowly engaging with the day ahead. I am busy and active all day with three young kids and then at night I sit down exhausted but just after I have my cup of tea and relax, my body clock kicks in and I become energised and alert! It is just not natural for me to be going to sleep before 12am!! I struggle with going to bed early as it is just not me (a Night Owl!) and so my problem continues I am going to bed late and getting up early....

I am sleep deprived and alone! My family have no understanding of my situation, how could they they are all on a different timezone to me. Having young kids and being a Night Owl right now is a challenge. I am living for the day when they are teenagers and I will have no problem staying up late waiting for them to come home. My body clock will come into its own then!!

Until then I will struggle on and get on with things… and yes get to bed earlier and stop whinging!!

Research says (somewhere) that one in ten are Morning Larks and about two in ten are Night Owls. The rest, called Hummingbirds, are those in the middle and are ready for action both early and late….Which are you? Are there any more Night Owl Mammys out there??

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