Sunday, 16 February 2014

Things I am glad happened this week!! (2)

I have had the most busy and crazy week and I am officially exhausted but despite all the madness it has also been a good week!! There are some things that happened that I am not happy about this week - the many late nights, kids sick again (all three of them!), too many arguments and not enough home cooked meals (bad eating habits) but there are also a few things I am glad happened this week!!

1. I got snow balled!!
We got snow this week, not a lot it only lasted for the evening. However it was enough for myself, the kids and grandparents to all get outside for a good snow ball fight!! We had such fun together. The kids had such a wonderful time throwing snowballs at mammy, nanny and grandad. We were completely overrun by all three of them, with snow balls coming from all directions and yes the kids beat us hands down - they were  far too quick for us!! We rarely get snow so it was a real threat for all of us. It was my youngest’s first time to experience snow and the first time for their grandparents to have fun in the snow with them!! It is the stuff great memories are made of…

2. I finally got some control over our home!
Our home has been in an absolute mess and so out of control since the beginning of January. How it got in to this sorry state is a combination of not having the time, not having the interest and not having the energy to do it sooner and hence it just got worse and worse and then even worse again!! It has been a crazy two weeks getting control of it but it has been so worth it. My family and I are feeling positive about our home again, we can actually find things and know where things are and we can actually see the shape and furniture in all the rooms again!! It is by no means spotless or complete but I finally feel like we have our home back...

3. Lunch for two - only!!
Myself and my husband finally got out to have a meal together on Valentine’s Day - It was great! We had been talking and trying to plan a meal together since last November so I suppose it was good going to get out 3 months later!! We had a great time and had a lovely slow relaxing lunch. Yes it was Valentines so a good reason to do it but our lunch out was less about romance and candle light but more about catching up and connecting with each other. Our only problem is with three young kids, we just don’t do it enough!!

4. Schools Out - Yea!!
My kids are on mid-term all next week and I am so happy about this. I always feel I am more in need of the break at mid terms than they are but really we all benefit for the time out from school. It is so great that we don’t have to get up at a certain time every morning or have to be out at a certain time, our days are our own to do and go where we want when we want. We plan to take it easy, have fun and relax. We will get out and about and meet friends but I want more so to reconnect with my kids over the week ahead. Given how busy I have been since January I really want to spent the time actually WITH my kids - no distractions and definitely no cleaning!!

5. Good food, good company, great friends!!
We had friends and their kids staying over at the weekend. We know them for years and get on really well. Our kids are all of similar age and also get along great together. It was lovely to catch up, chat and relax. We had a tasty dinner (even if say so myself - I made it!) and plenty of drink and laughs. I always enjoy having people over to dinner or for a stay over especially when they are good friends and have kids. Everyone benefits and has a great time!! and yes we are all wrecked now but it was such good fun!!

So that is some of the things I am glad happened this week...How was your week?   

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